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====== About "About Python" ====== The content in this "About Python" series is intended to support labs for my [[|COME 214: Programming Language Concepts]] course. These notes are not designed as a general introduction to the Python language or to programming. They are desgned to reinforce or introduce programming language concepts that are explored in the course. But if they are helpful to you as a general introduction, so much the better. These notes are believed to be accurate for Python 2.7. You mileage on other versions may vary. * [[About Python I]]: interpretation, scripting, typing * [[About Python II]]: imperative programming (and some functional) * [[About Python IIII]]: object orientation * [[About Python IV]]: more OO concepts Copyright © 2011 Mithat Konar, all rights reserved

python/about_about_python.txt · Last modified: 2013-05-31 07:54 (external edit)